161. Building Wealth Through Business Acquisitions feat. Nick McLean

In this episode we discuss strategies for buying and growing businesses, how to choose the best sell-side advisors, and actionable insights for all business owners and investors.


Connect with Ben Fraser on LinkedIn ⁠⁠https://www.linkedin.com/in/benwfraser/⁠⁠

Connect with Nick McLean on LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/nickmcleanfpi/


Invest Like a Billionaire podcast is sponsored by Aspen Funds which focuses on macro-driven alternative investments for accredited investors.⁠ ⁠⁠https://aspenfunds.us/

Nick McLean Profile Photo

Nick McLean


Nick McLean is one of the founders of Four Pillars Investors. Four Pillars Investors is a private equity firm that purchases and operates businesses in the lower middle-market ($20M in sales to $250M in sales). Our ideal acquisition candidates are companies with untapped potential for growth. The principals at Four Pillars have all been CEOs of these types of companies and have excelled at achieving EBITDA growth specifically and value creation generally.